Russian River Weekly Update 3/3/25

Reservoir Storage & Operations:
Water supply information provided by Sonoma Water (find more water storage info here).

PG&E Public Draft Surrender Application and Decommissioning Plan
PG&E’s Final Draft Surrender Application and Conceptual Decommissioning Plan and Application for Non-Project Use of Project Lands for the Potter Valley Hydroelectric Project (FERC Project No. 77) is available for review and comment at the following website: http// This document can be accessed from the Documents page using the following password: PV_Surrender
On Thursday, Feb. 6, 2025 PG&E hosted an online meeting to share information on the final draft, discussed the regulatory process, and noted opportunities to participate. For more information, visit RRFC's website page on the PG&E Draft Surrender Application & Decommissioning Plan for PVP.
Partnership to Preserve Eel to Russian River Diversion
Stakeholders on the Eel and Russian rivers have reached agreement on a framework for future water diversions from the Eel into the Russian River, once PG&E decommissions its Potter Valley power plant, through which flows have been directed for nearly 120 years. A memorandum of understanding was signed in a ceremony in Sacramento on Thursday February 13, 2025, allowing for limited diversions to continue, but only when the Eel River has sufficiently high flows to accommodate different life stages of federally protected salmon and steelhead trout. For more information, visit RRFC's website page on the Partnership.
PVP Related Articles:
- Lost Coast Outpost: Lake County May Try to Derail Eel River Dam Deal With Direct Appeal to President Trump, 2/24/25
- Lake County News:Supervisors to discuss concerns over plan to remove Scott Dam, consider letters to governor and Trump Administration, 2/24/25
- Lake County News: Supervisors approval letters to state, federal officials over concerns about proposed Scott Dam removal, 2/26/25
- Bohemian: ‘Historic Pact’ Signed Re: SoCo’s Main Water Source, 2/25/25
- SF Gate: A California reservoir could disappear if PG&E gets their way, 2/28/25
- Unwon: Rural California County Appeals to President Trump: Save Our Water!, 2/2725
PG&E FERC Filings for 2025 and Beyond
PG&E has submitted a temporary license flow amendment (previously referred to as a temporary flow variance) to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for the Potter Valley Project 2025 operations. It has also submitted an Application for Non-Capacity License Amendment. Visit RRFC’s website for more information, including comment letters received by FERC:

Climate Resilience in the North Coast of California
A recording of the two day North Coast Resource Partnership climate resilience conference on January 29-30, 2025 is now available at this link. Please take the climate resilience priorities survey to help make the case for much needed investments in our North Coast communities and ecosystems. Your voice matters.
PPIC: Women in California's Legislature, March 6, 2025 12 PM
In celebration of Women’s History Month, PPIC invites you to join PPIC’s president and CEO Tani Cantil-Sakauye in conversation with women leaders from California’s legislature as they share their experiences and discuss their top priorities for the year ahead. You can register to attend in person or virtually here and this event will also be livestreamed on the PPIC website:
March 4 webinar: "What’s Happening with Water in 2025?"
Six years ago, Governor Newsom launched a broad water plan called the Water Resilience Portfolio. As droughts and floods intensified over the years, so did the administration’s water targets. What’s in store for 2025? Find out on Tuesday, March 4, at the “What’s Happening with Water in 2025?” webinar. The one-hour online discussion begins at noon. Registration is required. Speakers will be California Department of Agriculture Secretary Karen Ross, DWR Director Karla Nemeth, and California Fish and Wildlife Director Charlton “Chuck” Bonham.
In the press:
- CA Water Plan eNews 2/26/25
- Maven's Notebook 2/23-2/28/25
- This month’s The monthly Weather-Climate Summary and Forecast by Abacela is posted directly here
- Mendocino Voice: Work on Mendocino County's drought resilience plan continue, 2/25/25
- Ag Alert (via Maven's Notebook): Record winegrape acreage left unpicked last season, 2/26/25
- Nor Cal Public Media: Clothes dryers due for closer look as possible culprit for spread of microplastics (in water), 2/24/25
- Marin Independent: Marin Municipal Water District votes to advance Sonoma-to-Marin water pipeline, 3/1/25
- The Atlantic (gift article): The American Weather Forecast Is in Trouble, 2/28/25
- Union of Concerned Scientists: What Does NOAA Do for Us, and How Can We Defend It?, 3/3/25
- Nor Cal Public Media: Mendocino county supervisors reject ordinance to regulate water extraction and selling, 2/28/25
- Mendocino Voice: After years of discussions, Board of Supervisors reject ordinance to regulate water extraction and selling, 2/26/25
- Yale 360: How Climate Change Puts the Safety of Drinking Water at Risk, 2/27/25