Partnership to Preserve Eel to Russian River Diversion
Updated February 2025
Two Basin Partnership Memorandum of Agreement (MOU)
From the Press Democrat, February 12, 2025:
Stakeholders on the Eel and Russian rivers have reached agreement on a framework for future water diversions from the Eel into the Russian River, once PG&E decommissions its Potter Valley power plant, through which flows have been directed for nearly 120 years.
A memorandum of understanding to be signed in a ceremony in Sacramento on Thursday [February 13, 2025] allows for limited diversions to continue, but only when the Eel River has sufficiently high flows to accommodate different life stages of federally protected salmon and steelhead trout.
The mostly wintertime diversions will reduce annual transfers into the Russian River watershed from a current level of about 40,000 acre-feet a year to about 35,000 acre-feet. (An acre-foot is equal to 325,851 gallons, or about the amount of water needed to flood most of a football field one foot deep.)
PG&E’s water rights for the diverted flows will be transferred to the Round Valley Indian Tribes, which will collect $1 million a year from Sonoma and Mendocino County users in exchange for diverted flows.
Russian River users also will pay $750,000 to $1 million annually into an Eel River restoration fund to pay for fish recovery and environmental restoration efforts on the Eel River, which has long been impacted negatively by diversions and dams in the river.
The agreement will stand for a 30-year term plus a possible 20-year renewal, but Russian River users are intended to wean themselves from the Eel River by developing new water storage and supply solutions.
Parties to the agreement also agree to endeavor to raise $50 million or more for new diversion facilities and $50 million or more for additional restoration funding.
Signatories include the Sonoma County Water Agency, known as Sonoma Water, the Mendocino County Inland Water and Power Commission, Humboldt County, the Round Valley Indian Tribes, Trout Unlimited, California Trout and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.
Two Basin Partnership Final signed MOU, February 2025.pdfMCIWPC MOU Press Release 2-11-25.pdf
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