Russian River Weekly Update, 2/24/25
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Reservoir Storage & Operations:
Water supply information provided by Sonoma Water (find more water storage info here).

PG&E Public Draft Surrender Application and Decommissioning Plan
PG&E’s Final Draft Surrender Application and Conceptual Decommissioning Plan (Surrender Application) and Application for Non-Project Use of Project Lands for the Potter Valley Hydroelectric Project (FERC Project No. 77) is available for review and comment at the following website: http// This document can be accessed from the Documents page using the following password: PV_Surrender
On Thursday, Feb. 6, 2025 PG&E hosted an online meeting to share information on the final draft, discussed the regulatory process, and noted opportunities to participate. For more information, visit RRFC's website page on the PG&E Draft Surrender Application & Decommissioning Plan for PVP.
Partnership to Preserve Eel to Russian River Diversion
Stakeholders on the Eel and Russian rivers have reached agreement on a framework for future water diversions from the Eel into the Russian River, once PG&E decommissions its Potter Valley power plant, through which flows have been directed for nearly 120 years. A memorandum of understanding was signed in a ceremony in Sacramento on Thursday February 13, 2025, allowing for limited diversions to continue, but only when the Eel River has sufficiently high flows to accommodate different life stages of federally protected salmon and steelhead trout. For more information, visit RRFC's website page on the Partnership.
PVP Related Articles:
- ABC 7 KRCR: PG&E evaluating plans for Eel River Dam removal project, 2/18/25
- E+E Leader: California’s Watershed Agreement Ends Century-Old Water Dispute Over Eel River, 2/18/25
- Unwon BREAKING: California to Spend $500 Million to DESTROY Century-Old Dam, End Water Supply for 600,000 Citizens in Fire-Prone Region, 1/27/25
- Redwood News: A Conversation With Friends of the Eel River on the New Potter Valley Project Agreement, 2/19/25
- Press Democrat Editorial: Historic North Coast water deal takes shape, 2/23/25
- Earth Hope: Two dams slated for demolition on California’s Eel River, 2/21/25
- Healdsburg Tribune: ‘Historic Pact’ Signed Regarding Healdsburg’s Water Source, 2/23/25
- Eureka Times Standard: Dam removal and its discontents: Stakeholders weigh in on PG&E decommission and license surrender plan, 2/22/25
- Cal Trout: The Eel River’s Return: California’s Third Largest Watershed Is on its Way to Flowing Free and CalTrout Has a Plan for its Restoration, 2/23/25
- Lake County News: Supervisors to discuss concerns over plan to remove Scott Dam, consider letters to governor and Trump Administration, 2/24/35
PG&E FERC Filings for 2025 and Beyond
PG&E has submitted a temporary license flow amendment (previously referred to as a temporary flow variance) to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for the Potter Valley Project 2025 operations. It has also submitted an Application for Non-Capacity License Amendment. Visit RRFC’s website for more information:
Conversation with Dr. Daniel Swain, Climate Scientist, February 26th at 9 AM
Grab a cup and join a virtual Coffee and Conversation with Dr. Daniel Swain, California Institute for Water Resources (UC ANR), and Institute of the Environment & Sustainability, UCLA. Hosted by Regional Water Authority’s Manager of Government Relations, Ryan Ojakian, the discussion will explore the challenges and opportunities of managing California’s increasing climate extremes, from intensifying droughts to severe floods. This engaging discussion will examine what the future holds, how water agencies can prepare, and strategies for balancing affordability and resilience in a rapidly changing world. Link to registration.
California Natural Resources Agency Hosts Virtual Discussion with Black Leaders Charting the Path in Conservation - Wednesday, February 26, 2025 from noon to 1 p.m.
Join the California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA) for a special Black History Month edition of Secretary Speaker Series, featuring a distinguished panel of Black leaders in the environmental and conservation fields. This compelling discussion will highlight their groundbreaking achievements, the obstacles they have overcome, and the lessons they carry forward as they champion equity, sustainability, and community empowerment. Register for Zoom here.
New Dry Domestic Well Susceptibility Tool now available
Working with the State Water Resources Control Board, DWR has developed the Dry Domestic Well Susceptibility Tool, an interactive mapping tool that identifies areas within groundwater basins throughout California that may be prone to water supply shortages in drinking water wells. The tool is housed on the California's Groundwater Live, a website containing the latest information and data on groundwater conditions across the state. To use this tool, visit California's Groundwater Live and click the Dry Domestic Well Susceptibility tab. The California Natural Resources Agency website offers a fact sheet to learn more about this mapping tool, as well as information on DWR’s Dry Well Reporting System.
In the press:
- CA Water Plan eNews 2/19/25
- Maven's Notebook, 2/16-2/21/25 (sign up w/Maven’s for daily, weekly, and/or weekend digests)
- Maven's Notebook Weekend edition 2/23/25
- CA DWR: Sustainable Groundwater Management News: January 2025
- Press Democrat: Sonoma County launches survey for residents’ feedback following atmospheric river, 2/15/25
- PPIC: The Challenges of Fighting Wildfires with Urban Water Systems, 2/19/25
- River Partners: Floodplains at Work- Recent Floods Demonstrate the Power of Restored Riverways, 2/16/25
- SF Chronicle: Here’s how La Niña could impact California’s weather this spring, 2/21/25
- Yale 360: How Weather Forecasts Can Help Dams Supply More Water (FIRO - Lake Mendocino) 2/23/25
- CA Water Blog: Functional Flows are Good for California’s Native Fishes, 2/23/25
- PPIC: How February’s Atmospheric Rivers Affected California’s Water Supply, 2/24/25