Russian River Weekly Update, 1/22/24
Reservoir Storage & Operations:
Water supply information provided by Sonoma Water (find more water storage info here).

Eel Russian Project Authority – First Meeting Scheduled for Jan 31st 3 PM
The Eel-Russian Project Authority (ERPA) is a joint powers authority formed by a joint exercise of powers agreement between the County of Sonoma, Sonoma County Water Agency (Sonoma Water), and the Mendocino County Inland Water and Power Commission.
ERPA will have the power to negotiate with the Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) as the utility moves ahead with plans to surrender operations of the Potter Valley Hydroelectric Project and to decommission the Scott and Cape Horn dams on the Eel River. The new authority will also have the legal capacity to own, construct and operate a new water diversion facility near the Cape Horn Dam.
A new website has been created to host information for the Eel-Russian Project Authority. The website can be viewed at Authority agendas, minutes and presentations will be posted on this website. Please note that the first Authority meeting is January 31 at 3pm at the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors Chambers located at 575 Administration Drive, Room 102A, Santa Rosa, CA 95403. A virtual Zoom option to listen to the meeting will be made available. Please see the website for more information.

Water Commission presents statewide strategies for protecting communities, fish and wildlife during drought
The California Water Commission has approved a white paper that contains potential strategies to protect communities and fish and wildlife in the event of drought. The white paper is in support of Water Resilience Portfolio Action 26.3, and will be shared with the Secretaries for Natural Resources, Environmental Protection, and Food and Agriculture, who requested the Commission’s engagement on this topic.
ARTICLE in SCV News: Water Commission Presents Drought Strategies, 1/17/24
Update on Groundwater Sustainability Efforts through SGMA – RESCHEDULED TO January 31, 2024
Join DWR's Paul Gosselin for Office Hours on Wednesday, January 31st, 12-1 PM
Get ready to dive into the world of groundwater sustainability plans and the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) implementation with Paul Gosselin, DWR’s Deputy Director of Sustainable Groundwater Management. Here's your golden opportunity to pick the brain of the expert himself - Paul. This is your chance to get all your burning questions answered. Click here to register.

Indicators of Climate Change Symposium: Bridging Science and Action
The California Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) is convening a symposium (in-person and online) as part of its efforts to track and report on climate change and its impacts on California. More information on this website and LINK TO REGISTRATION FORM
January 24, 2024, 9:15 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. PT, Coastal Hearing Room, CalEPA Building. 1001 I Street, Sacramento, CA For more information, contact:
The symposium will launch a series of webinars scheduled for 2024. The webinars will complement the Indicators of Climate Change in California report by updating the science and data, and illustrating how these inform climate action in California.
What exactly IS a Climate Activist?
Watch this YouTube video or listen to the Podcast to learn and maybe even be inspired!

- YouTube: Why I became a climate activist -- and you should, too | Luisa Neubauer | TEDxYouth@München
- Podcast: TED Talks Daily, Why you should be a climate activist
The Latest in the California Beaver Chronicles
ARTICLE in Valley Voice: Tule River Tribe reintroducing beavers to Tulare County, 1/19/24

Beavers Create, Protect Wetlands
“When European settlers first arrived in North America, some 100 to 200 million beavers lived in the lakes, rivers and streams here. But because their dams threatened agriculture and their pelts carried a high value, the North American beaver was hunted to near extinction. Ninety percent of the beaver population was wiped out.
“The consequences of the kill-off linger to this day. Beaver dams naturally filter silt that otherwise clogs streams, while creating wetlands that preserve water on the land for longer periods. As beavers were wiped out, the waterways no longer reached ancient floodplains. This has led to increasing pollution and erosion, as well as more flooding and drought.
“The need to fight effects of a drying climate on their land brought the Tule River Tribe to the forefront of the effort to restore California’s beaver population. Tribal leaders hope beavers can help reverse the ongoing degradation of the state’s mountain peaks, river valleys and mountain meadows.”
ARTICLE in EarthSky: Can beavers revitalize California’s mountains and meadows? 1/17/24

YouTube: Update on historic beaver release in Autumn 2023
In the press:
- Maven's Notebook: Desert Research Institute releases new, rigorous assessment of OpenET accuracy for supporting satellite-based water management, 1/17/24
- CA Water Blog: How’s California’s water year developing? – January 2024, 1/21/24
- Politico: The one issue no one wants to talk about in the California Senate race- Candidates vying to replace the late Sen. Dianne Feinstein are laying low on her signature topic, 1/22/24
- DWR: State, Local Water Agencies Achieve Major Milestone in Efforts to Ensure Groundwater Sustainability Statewide, 1/18/24
- PPIC Commentary: Californians Need to Do More to Prepare for Wet Years, 1/16/24
- CA Water Views: The Impact of Governor Newsom’s Proposed Budget on Water Projects, 1/16/24
- Maven's Notebook Ag Alert: Soil sensors, drip reduce water use in desert lettuce, 1/17/24
- Statescoop: New website showcases California’s $180B infrastructure plans for next decade, 1/9/24
Weather related:
- San Fran Chronicle: The planet experienced an astonishing change last year. But California was an outlier, 1/14/24
- Mercury News: Californians got lucky with the weather this past year. Can it continue again in 2024?, 1/12/24
- Standford News: Clusters of atmospheric rivers amp up California storm damages, 1/19/24