Russian River Water Update, 11/6/23

Reservoir Storage & Operations:
Water supply information provided by Sonoma Water (more info here).

Eel River / Russian River Trans Basin Diversion
Pacific Gas and Electric Company submits Monthly Storage Report related to the 2023 Flow Variance Request Due to Limited Storage Capacity for the Potter Valley Hydroelectric Project under P-77. ATTACH REPORT
- Marin Independent Journal: Marin water suppliers support Mendocino plant proposal, 10/28/23
- Lake County Record-Bee: Lake Pillsbury advocates wary of Scott Dam removal and lost water source, 11/2/23
Explore and subscribe to these websites:, weather & climate summary and forecast for November 2023
Weather West: California Weather and Climate Perspectives
Water Rights Diversion and Use Reporting for Water Year 2022-23
“During the week of October 16, 2023, the Division of Water Rights mailed notifications to approximately 19,000 water rights owners and agents reminding them of their requirement to submit their water diversion and use reports online. All reports must be submitted through the Report Management System ( Reporting for the 2022-23 water year began on October 1, 2023. The deadline for water right holders to report on their water use for last water year (i.e., October 1, 2022 – September 30, 2023) is February 1, 2024.a Water Rights staff are available via email ( and phone (916.341.5431) to help reporters.”
CA Water Boards: Water Workforce Development Grant - Deadline November 17th
On September 25, 2023, EPA announced a new Request for Applications (RFA) for the Innovative Water Infrastructure Workforce Development Grant Program. Over $20 million in grant funding will be available for eligible organizations interested in building a stronger pool of skilled and diverse workers in the water and wastewater utilities sector. Eligible organizations interested in applying must submit their application to EPA by November 17, 2023. EPA encourages all eligible organizations who have an interest in the types of projects described on the website to apply. Learn more on the EPA website here.
SGMA IMPLEMENTATION: Now available: A Guide to Annual Reports, Periodic Evaluations, and Plan Amendments
“On October 30, 2023, DWR released its Groundwater Sustainability Plan Implementation: A Guide to Annual Reports, Periodic Evaluations, and Plan Amendments, which provides guidance to GSAs preparing these documents under SGMA and the GSP Regulations. The Department also released a Frequently Asked Questions and Available Resources document that provides commonly asked questions and answers about Annual Reports, Periodic Evaluations, and GSP Amendments. These resources do not create any requirements or obligations for GSAs; the information is intended to clarify the necessary content of the documents already required by SGMA and the GSP Regulations.” Read more and view/download documents from DWR.
NCRP Request for Proposals: Technical Assistance for Project Development

The North Coast Resource Partnership (NCRP) is pleased to offer a Request for Proposals for Technical Assistance to Tribes and economically disadvantaged communities to support project development for the NCRP CAL FIRE Forest Health Pilot Grant Program.
EXTENDED DUE DATE! Proposals will be accepted & awarded on a rolling basis through February 1, 2024
Introducing the Newest Maven’s Notebook Feature: Water Shelf!
"The Water Shelf" is a new page on the Maven's Notebook website dedicated to the growing field of water literature. The page is kicking off with a "Top 10" list of recommended books for the water shelf in your own library and will soon be posting reviews of recently released and soon-to-be-released water books. Finally, we are planning a podcast where authors, fellow reviewers, academics, and aficionados of water books - past and present - discuss their and others' writings on water. Stay tuned! MN - Water Shelf page

"From Runoff to Renewal: Green Strategies for a Cleaner Environment in the Russian River Watershed"
RR Watershed Association Blog, November 1, 2023
In the press:
- Water Plan eNews 11-1-23
- Maven's Notebook Oct 29-Nov 3
- DWR Sustainable Groundwater Management Newsletter, Oct 31, 2023
- Mendocino RCD Willits Bypass Mitigation features Fall sparrows and creatures!
- PPIC: Priorities for CA's Water - Stewarding the Wet Years, Nov 2023
- Ag Alert: CA Water Education Foundations' Water Summit tackles water challenges facing California, 11/1/23
- Olive Oil Times: California Farmers Plant Hedgerows to Conserve Water, Improve Soil Health, 10/31/23
- The Guardian: Earth close to ‘risk tipping points’ that will damage our ability to deal with climate crisis, warns UN, 10/25/23
- LA Times: U.N. report warns of catastrophic climate tipping points. California is nearing several, 10/26/23
- ProPublica: This Billion-Dollar Plan to Save Salmon Depends on a Giant Fish Vacuum, 10/31/23
- Smithsonian: Earth Is Entering ‘Uncharted Territory’ Because of Climate Change, New Report Warns, 10/31/23
- Agri Pulse: As groundwater plans roll into action, SGMA is ‘going to get real’, 11/1/23
- Maven's Notebook Feature: Heat waves strike rivers too—can prescribed burns and beavers cool streams for salmon?, 11/2/23
- Newsweek: Gavin Newsom Gets Rave Review From China, 10/23/23
- UN sounds warning on climate change health threat, 11/2/23
- Scientific American: Depleted Groundwater Could Be Refilled by Borrowing a Trick from Solar Power, 1/25/23