Weekly Update 1/21/25

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Reservoir Storage & Operations:
Water supply information provided by Sonoma Water (find more water storage info here).

New Funding for the Trans Basin Diversion Future - $15 million
Mendo Fever:: With $15 Mil grant, Two-Basin Solution gets green light to transform Eel River 1/20/25
- Ukiah Daily Journal Opinion: Save the Potter Valley water project and Lake Pillsbury, 1/19/25
- Mendocino Voice: 29-member Potter Valley Tribe embarks on ambitious wildfire resilience project, 1/17/25
DWR Releases Frequently Asked Questions: Department’s Role in State Intervention under SGMA
“The Department of Water Resources (Department, DWR) has released a frequently asked questions document to address inquiries from groundwater sustainability agencies (GSAs) and the public at large, on the Department’s role and responsibilities when a basin is subject to State Water Resources Control Board (Board) jurisdiction and state intervention under Chapter 11 of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA).” Link to the FAQ.
Potter Valley Water Supply Reliability Study Town Hall Presentation – November 14, 2024
Potter Valley Irrigation District hosted a Town Hall meeting to discuss the results of the investigations of the Jacobs Company into potential water storage inside of Potter Valley. With the upcoming changes to the Potter Valley Project, establishing new water storage will be key to providing water during the irrigation season. Presenters include: Janet Pauli (Potter Valley Irrigation District and Mendocino Inland Water & Power Commission), Tom Johnson (Consulting Engineer for Mendocino Inland Water & Power Commission), Stephen Maples (Sonoma Water), Armin Munevar (Jacobs Engineering), Nate Brown (Jacobs Engineering)
North Coast Resource Partnership Quarterly Meeting

Two-day climate change event in Sonoma County, Jan. 29 and 30 REGISTRATION NOW OPEN
The North Coast Resource Partnership is hosting a two-day climate change event in Sonoma County on Wednesday and Thursday, Jan. 29 and 30. Sponsored by the Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria, the meetings will focus on team building to solve challenges facing North Coast communities and ecosystems that make up 12% percent of the California landscape. The interactive event will feature presentations and information sharing by elected officials, North Coast Tribes, counties, agencies, non-government organizations, and other partners and interested parties. Participants can register for both days or either day. You can join the NCRP mailing list on its webpage. Link to more meeting information including agenda.
Mendocino County Drought Resiliency Plan Community Workshop
The Drought Resilience Plan (DRP) is in its final stages of development. This plan aims to enhance preparedness for future droughts. Workshop date: Friday, February 21, 2025 3-4:30 PM, zoom and in person (Fort Bragg.) See the flyer linked below for more information.
Upcoming Diversion Measurement Qualified Individual Training Course in Davis, CA
The University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources (UCANR) Cooperative Extension service will offer a Water Measurement and Reporting course on January 30, 2025. The training will cover water diversion, monitoring, and reporting, as authorized by Assembly Bill 589. The training class is designed for parties who divert (or are authorized to divert) 100 acre-feet per year or more under the Water Measurement and Reporting Regulation (SB-88) and is open for anyone else who is interested. Diverters who complete this class are recognized as Qualified Individuals for measuring their diversions. The training class is in-person and will not be available online. More information and registration
In the press:
- Press Democrat: Russian River communities felt blindsided by recent changes to flood zones, 1/13/25
- Legislative Analyst's Office: Overview of the Governor’s 2025‑26 Budget, 1/13/25
- CalMatters Commentary: Disaster-prone California should adopt a preventive approach, rather than a reactive one, 1/15/25
- Politico: Supreme Court environment cases to watch in 2025, 1/14/25
- NPR: Trump's pick for EPA administrator is Lee Zeldin. Here's what to know., 1/16/25
- Maven's NOTEBOOK FEATURE: Fire and water: How cultural burns boost streamflows, 1/16/25
- Nor Cal Public Media: Sonoma County updates flood risks maps for lower Russian River, 1/15/25
- MendoFever: 2025 starts with $1.36M grant and leadership changes at Ukiah Valley Groundwater Agency, 1/17/25
- CA Water Blog: California Water under a Trump Administration, Part 2 of 2, 1/19/25
- Visual Capitalist: Visualizing California’s Drought Conditions (2000–2025), 1/13/25