Water Update 4-24-23

Reservoir Storage & Operations(More info here):
Water supply information below and attached provided by Sonoma Water.

FROM: Sonoma Water's Water Supply Reservoir Projections webpage
Drought Dwindles
AP News - Drought dwindles to less than 9% of California, 4/13/23
“LOS ANGELES (AP) — Only remnants of California’s three-year drought remain after winter’s epic storms. The U.S. Drought Monitor reported Thursday that areas of drought cover less than 9% of the state, down from more than 99% at the Oct. 1 start of the water year. Those areas, in the far north and southeast, are surrounded by areas of abnormal dryness amounting to just over 25% of the state. California’s winter was marked by numerous atmospheric rivers that dumped enormous amounts of rain and blanketed mountains with an extraordinary snowpack.”

Groundwater Sustainability
Ag Alert - State water board weighs status of six aquifer plans, 4/12/23
The California Farm Bureau reports on the recent California State Water Resources Control Board meeting agenda item. Six high priority basins are facing possibly State Water Board intervention after their groundwater sustainability plans were deemed inadequate by DWR. “The board’s role is intended to be temporary, so state intervention is not a replacement for a groundwater sustainability plan,” said Natalie Stork, state water board supervising engineering geologist of the groundwater management program. “Our goal is to help get basins back on track with DWR (California Department of Water Resources), so it’s a temporary process.” “Of a total 94 groundwater basins required to submit plans under SGMA, state water officials in March provided determinations for 24 basins and is reviewing an additional 61 plans from 59 California high- and medium-priority basins submitted to DWR in January 2022. DWR said it anticipates issuing determinations for the remaining basins throughout 2023.” The Ukiah Valley Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency has not yet received determination on its Plan for the medium priority basin.
Earth Day News
Check out CalMatters 'Earth Day Op-Ed Contest winners, including Earth Day: How will California protect Humboldt Bay from worst sea level rise on the West Coast? 4/21/23 where the author touches upon Nature Based Solutions, such as restoring floodplains, will offset some of the impacts while also providing habitat conservation, environmental justice opportunities, and Indigenous land return.
Mendocino County Climate Action Committee Members WANTED!
Those interested in serving can apply here on the Mendocino County Committees page.
Russian River Water Forum Updates https://russianriverwaterforum.org/
The first Planning Group meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 17, 2023, 10am-3pm at the Ukiah Conference Center. Appointed Representatives and Alternates are encouraged to attend in person. A zoom option will be available and the public is welcome.

In the press:
- CA Water Plan eNews 4/19/23
- Maven's Notebook, April 21, 2023
- The Hill - Western tribes face challenges capitalizing on water rights: study, 4/19/23
- Press Democrat - Gloria Ferrer vineyards a Sonoma County pioneer in using AI to monitor crops, 4/18/23
- Press Democrat - Sonoma County supervisors approve rules for new wells, 4/18/23
- Press Democrat - Conservation group names Eel River among 10 most endangered rivers in America, 4/18/23
- Press Democrat - Sonoma County residents explore climate resiliency plans; look toward potential public funding effort, 4/19/23
- PPIC - Californians See a Need for Immediate Action on Climate Change, 4/21/23
- Union of Concerned Scientists - California’s Thirsty Future: The Role of Vapor Pressure Deficit in Our Changing Climate and Drought, 4/5/23
- LA Times - Opinion: Catastrophic floods and breached levees reveal a problem California too often neglects, 4/7/23
- New York Times via DNYUZ-NOAA Forecasters See a Respite for California, 4/20/23
- Sacramento Bee - California drought update: Here’s how fast conditions improved this year, 4/23/23
- NBC - Water Supply Beneath the Surface: Why Groundwater Matters, 4/18/23
- ABC - California got a lot of rain this year and groundwater is the key to storing it, 4/18/23
- Civil Eats - These Farmers Recharged Groundwater by Catching Atmospheric Rivers, 4/17/23
- University at Albany via Phys.org- Expert discusses how atmospheric rivers bring historic rainfall to California, 4/18/23
- PPIC - Water Use in California's Communities Fact Sheet, April 2023
Other resources & information:
SaveWater.ca.gov to report water waste, such as leaks and overwatering.
Water Rights Enforcement Complaints Program and/or Cal EPA Complaint System to report concerns of unauthorized diversions, violations of water rights, diversions impacting fisheries, etc. Reports can be made anonymously.
Visit Sonoma Water’s website for information on current water supply levels and Temporary Urgency Change Petitions.