Water Update 4-17-23
Welcome to the new look, name, and location of the weekly update!

Reservoir Storage & Operations (More info here):
Water supply information below and linked separately below are provided by Sonoma Water.
National Weather Service updates are linked separately below.

Groundwater Sustainability
DWR has released two brochures with information designed to align groundwater management actions with protections for drinking water well users. One brochure is a guidance document for groundwater sustainability agencies (GSAs) that help drinking water well users who could be affected during implementation of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act. The other brochure encourages collaboration between counties and GSAs to coordinate water-shortage-planning efforts in rural communities.
NCRP Request for Proposals: Technical Assistance for Project Development
The North Coast Resource Partnership (NCRP) is pleased to offer a Request for Proposals for Technical Assistance to Tribes and economically disadvantaged communities to support project development and grant applications for the following programs:
- NCRP Regional Forest & Fire Capacity (RFFC) program
- Other funding programs for projects that improve forest health, increase wildfire resilience, and help communities and ecosystems address and adapt to climate change
Proposals will be accepted on a rolling basis via the NCRP Project Tracker. Next round of proposal review begins May 1, 2023.
Update 2023 workshop recording and materials posted online
The recording and materials from the recent California Water Plan Update 2023 (Update 2023) workshop are available online. The March 29 workshop provided a public forum on the draft chapter content for Update 2023. The posted materials include a workbook with summaries of each chapter. Comments on the draft chapter content can be emailed to the California Water Plan team through Wednesday, April 12.
Update 2023 RMS workshop series begins April 27
On Thursday, April 27, the California Water Plan team will begin a series of virtual workshops on the Update 2023 resource management strategies (RMSs). The first workshop will collect public input on the draft Watershed Management RMS. Other RMS workshops will cover reservoir reoperation (May 3), urban water use efficiency (May 9), and desalination (May 18). Details on those workshops will be released in future editions of the California Water Plan eNews.
CA Water Education Foundation’s Water Word of the Week
Educating the next generation about water and the environment is a primary goal behind National Environmental Education Week, which began Sunday and continues through Earth Day on Saturday. Our California Project WET program aims to support the critical work educators are doing to instill a passion for science and the environment in their students. The program provides engaging activities and resources that help K-12 teachers bring water science and resource challenges to life in the classroom so that the next generation can be good water stewards. So for National Environmental Education Week, we’re making California Project WET our Water Word of the Week. For more of the vibrant vocabulary of California water check out Aquapedia, our free online water encyclopedia.
Save Our Water website gets a new look and a new logo
California’s Save Our Water website has been given a new look and a new logo. The website offers water-saving ideas that can be applied in homes, yards, and landscapes. The new logo is a bear made of water (seen below) similar to the bear on the California flag and many State agency logos and seals.
In the press:
- CA Water Plan eNews, April 12, 2023
- Maven's Notebook, April 9-14, 2023
- KZYX - Lake County objects to leaving spillway gates open, 4/10/23
- Water Education Foundation, Various articles - Why did CA receive 31 Atmospheric Rivers?, 4/11/23
- ABC 7 News - Less than 9% of California remains in drought conditions, new data shows, 4/13/23
- Your Central Valley.com - How flooded farmlands are helping feed fish in California, 4/6/23
- Phys.org - From drought to deluge: What's next for California, 4/10/23
- San Fran Chronicle - When fires create floods: Is California ready for a cascade of disasters?, 4/12/23
- NY Times - How Unusual Was This Winter’s Snowfall Across the U.S.?, 4/12/23
- Daily Bruin - UCLA-led study discusses drought impacts on urban vegetation in coastal greater LA, 4/17/23
- Phys.org - New look at climate data shows substantially wetter rain and snow days ahead, 4/13/23
- Phys.org - New look at climate data shows substantially wetter rain and snow days ahead, 4/13/23
Links to further information:
WATER SUPPLY CONDITIONS UPDATE 4-17-23.pdfLake_Mendocino_Storage_4-17-23.pdfLakeMendoStorage_4-17-23_DroughtYears.pdfLake_Pillsbury_Storage_4-16-23.pdfLake_Sonoma_Storage_4-17-23.pdfArchived Briefing-20230417_0837.pdf