Russian River Weekly Update 8/19/24

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Reservoir Storage & Operations:
Water supply information provided by Sonoma Water (find more water storage info here).

Trans Basin Diversion Future
PG&E filed a response to FERC regarding the Additional Information Request and Notice of Withdrawal of License Transfer Application.
2024, 08-12 PG&E Response to FERC AIR and Notice of Withdrawal of Transfer Application.pdf
Mendocino County Seeks Public Input on Drought Resilience Plan
Mendocino County is actively developing a Drought Resilience Plan (DRP) to enhance the community's preparedness for future water shortages. This effort, initiated in response to the severe 2020-2022 drought and in compliance with Senate Bill 552, is being led by the Mendocino County Water Agency in collaboration with the University of California Cooperative Extension and EKI Environment and Water, Inc. The DRP will assess the potential risks of future droughts and determine the need for both short-term and long-term strategies to manage water scarcity, and public participation is crucial to its success.
The County invites you to the first Mendocino County Drought Resilience Plan Development Public Meeting on September 5th, 2024, where the overall approach to the development of the DRP will be presented to receive community feedback and improve public awareness. Your participation and your support in announcing this meeting and encouraging community stakeholders to attend would contribute significantly to the effectiveness of the plan and be greatly appreciated. The event will be held at the UCCE / Farm Advisor Building and online via Zoom. Please see the details and registration link below:
Date: September 5th, 2024
Time: 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM
Location: UCCE / Farm Advisor Building (limited capacity, please RSVP) and Online via Zoom
Registration Link:
Event Details: Free event with refreshments provided
For more information, please see the attached meeting invitation and factsheet or visit:
- Mendocino County Drought Resilience Plan webpage:
- Sign up for updates:
- Public engagement form:
Mendo Fever: Mendocino County Launches Initiative to Strengthen Water Resilience, 8/13/24
DPR Event invite - English3.pdfDRP Invitacion - Español3.pdfDRP - Factsheet English.pdfDRP - Factsheet Español.pdf
City of Ukiah Recycled Water Poject
According to a recent progress report issued by the City of Ukiah, the distribution system of the Recycled Water Project is done, marking a significant milestone in the nearly-complete fourth phase of this momentous project. Once complete, the project will supply recycled water to Vinewood Park, Frank Zeek School, Pomolita School, soccer fields, Ukiah High School, the Ukiah Cemetery, Anton Stadium, Giorno Park, Todd Grove Park, and the Ukiah Valley Golf Course. This project was made possible with a grant of nearly $54 million from the State Water Board. With the completion of that part of the project, part of Low Gap Road was also repaved.

In the press:
- Sonoma County Gazette: Russian River council tackles river access issues, 8/12/24
- Mendo Fever: ‘Manufactured Drought’: Ukiah Demands Rehearing on Water Flow Reductions, 8/16/24