Russian River Weekly Update 6/24/24
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Reservoir Storage & Operations:
Water supply information provided by Sonoma Water (find more water storage info here).

PG&E Eel to Russian River Flow Variance
Round Valley Indian Tribes and CA Fish and Wildlife have submitted letters urging FERC to make a quick approval of the variance filed by PG&E. More information and copy of the letters.
2024, 6-20 CA DFW flow variance support let to FERC.pdf2024, 6-20 RVIT flow variance support let to FERC.pdf2024, 6-14 PG&E let to FERC urging Flow Variance approval.pdf2024, 6-17 NOAA let to FERC urging Flow Variance approval.pdf
Ukiah Valley Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency Update
The Board approved the Proposed Fee Adoption
The Fee Study initiated in 2023 is now complete and the UVBGSA Board voted to adopt the resolution to implement the regulatory fee. The fee will support the typical annual operation costs of UVBGSA’s regulatory program as authorized under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act of 2014. For more information, see the UVB GSA Website:
Further Education Opportunity: Groundwater 101 Week
"Groundwater 101 Week," hosted by GRA from July 15-19, 2024. Register now for this informative multi-day virtual event packed with insightful sessions tailored for professionals and students passionate about groundwater research and management. Government, Academic, NGO, and student pricing available. the agenda is now available for review.
California Natural Resources Agency Hosts Virtual Discussion to Celebrate Pride Month with LGBTQ2S+ Leaders
Celebrate Pride with the California Natural Resources Agency by watching the Secretary Speaker Series: “Golden Coast Pride: Exploring LGBTQ2S+ Stories in California.” This inspirational webinar celebrates LGBTQ2S+ experiences across the Golden State. Panelists share the personal journeys that have shaped them in a thought-provoking discussion exploring diverse voices and histories that have formed California’s LGBTQ2S+ community. Watch the recording here.
New Scientific Strategy Helps Make Case for Holistic Management of CA Rivers

Getting a handle on California's water challenges
A new report, The Magnitude of California’s Water Challenges, examines the climate, society, economy, and ecosystems problems unfolding in the state. The report was commissioned by the California Municipal Utilities Association and written by University of California researchers. It says California’s water infrastructure, technologies, and institutions must continue to adapt to water scarcity problems that are expected to increase because of climate change, the end of overdrafting groundwater, and other factors.

In the press:
- Mendocino County Resource Conservation District Weekly newsletter - Buckeyes, mice, and woodrats
- US Fish & Wildlife: A “Californian” Yard to Help Pollinators - Using California native plants in landscaping can help pollinators and save water
- CalMatters: In rain, snow and drought, California’s fights over water rights, supplies persist 6/18/24
- LA Times: Only 8% of California rivers and streams have gauges measuring flow, study finds, 6/18/24
- AP: US acknowledges Northwest dams have devastated the region’s Native tribes, 6/18/24
- COURTHOUSE NEWS: Water experts encourage partnerships to address climate change, 6/19/24
- AgNet West: Report Looks at Link Between Cover Crops and SGMA, 6/20/24
- CA Water Data Consortium Economic Brief: Investing in a Modern Water and Ecological Data System to Better Serve California, 6/19/24
- LA Times: California lawmakers reject proposal to curb well-drilling where nearby wells could run dr, 6/22/24
- CA Water Blog: How well do you know California water? 6/23/24