Russian River Weekly Update 4/8/24

Reservoir Storage & Operations:
Water supply information provided by Sonoma Water (find more water storage info here).

Eel River to Russian River Trans Basin Diversion Updates
- Press Democrat: Officials move forward with plans for Eel River water diversions that keep Russian River flowing, 3/21/24
- Mendo Fever: Divided Waters: Debate Over Scott Dam’s Fate Boils Over in Eel Russian Project Authority Meeting, 4/3/24

Tribal Engagement with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Monday, April 15, 2024 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Legal counsel, Sara Clark, and urban planner, Kristi Bascom, will present information on - and answer questions regarding - Tribal Engagement with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
The presentation will cover:
- CEQA and NEPA basics, how they are similar (and not)
- Different ways Tribes and Tribal organizations may engage in a CEQA or NEPA process
- Best practices for representing Tribal interests
- Key CEQA and NEPA process milestones to be aware of
- Legal options to pursue if needed
North Coast Resource Partnership Request for Proposals: Technical Assistance for Project Development
The North Coast Resource Partnership (NCRP) is pleased to offer a Request for Proposals for Technical Assistance to Tribes and economically disadvantaged communities to support project development for the NCRP CAL FIRE Forest Health Pilot Grant Program. EXTENDED DUE DATE: Proposals will be accepted & awarded on a rolling basis through MAY 1, 2024
DWR NEWS: State Releases California Water Plan Update 2023: A Roadmap to Water Management and Infrastructure for a Water Resilient Future
The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) has released the final version of California Water Plan Update 2023. This plan is a critical planning tool and can now be used by water managers, such as water districts, cities and counties, and Tribal communities, to inform and guide the use and development of water resources in the state. The 2023 update focuses on equity, watershed resilience, and climate urgency. “With climate change posing uncertain challenges, California Water Plan Update 2023 highlights the importance of innovation and investments in the state’s watersheds, water systems, and frontline communities,” said DWR Director Karla Nemeth. “This plan helps build a future where all Californians can be more water resilient and how we can all take action to adapt our communities to thrive in more extreme weather conditions.” Quote from Maven's Notebook, 4/3/24 which provides an overview of the Plan update. DWR is hosting a two-hour webinar on Monday, April 29, 2024 from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. to highlight the key points of California Water Plan Update 2023. The webinar will also highlight upcoming projects and funding that put California Water Plan Update 2023 into action. To attend this webinar please register via Zoom. DWR News Release, 4/2/24
- Farm Progress: Farm Bureau ‘encouraged’ by water plan, 4/8/24
- KQED: California’s Former Water Czar on the State’s Coming “Water Nightmare”, 4/3/24
Report Summary: Groundwater Well Permitting: Observations and Analysis of Executive Orders N-7-22 and N-3-23
In the spring of 2022, the state was in the midst of a deep drought, the third year of the three driest years on record. Groundwater pumping was causing domestic wells to dry up and land subsidence to damage infrastructure. So in March of 2022, in response to worsening drought conditions, Governor Newsom issued Executive Order N-7-22 with the intent to lessen the number of wells that were permitted that could impact domestic wells or increase subsidence during the drought emergency. In March of 2024, the Sustainable Groundwater Management Office at the Department of Water Resources released a report that drew on a survey conducted in the spring of 2023. The report summarizes the various approaches local agencies took to comply with the Executive Orders, observations of groundwater conditions that occurred while these actions were taken, and policy recommendations that can be used to develop future solutions to align land use planning and well permitting with groundwater management and use. Read more here in Maven's Notebook article of 4/3/24
- UCSB CURRENT: New Study in Nature Water Puts Spotlight on Importance of Groundwater, 4/3/24
- PHYS.ORG: Examining groundwater's role in ecosystem sustainability, 4/3/24
2023 Flood-Mar Forum Summary
At the Flood-MAR Network’s fourth biannual FloodMAR Public Forum held in November 2023, nearly 100 Flood-MAR practitioners gathered to share success stories and lessons learned from the landmark wet winter of 2022 – 2023 and identify areas for further preparation needed to implement projects that use floodwaters for managed aquifer recharge in future wet years, for the benefit of communities, ecosystems, and agriculture. More information: 2023 Flood-MAR Forum Summary
- MendoFever: Ukiah Valley Water Authority Debut: New Water District Uniting Regional Water Districts Holds First Meeting, 4/8/24
- Marin Independent: Marin water reservoirs spilling as summer nears, 4/7/24
- Mercury News Opinion: The fallacy behind California’s rollback of water conservation rules, 4/3/24
- The Lumberjack: Cal Poly Humboldt fisheries professor is working with local tribes to create better fishing stewardship practices, 4/1/24
- PPIC: Rural California, March 2024
- PPIC: The Holy Grail of a Zero-Carbon Home, April 2024
- ABC 10: Could recycled water be the answer to California's future droughts?, 4/4/24
- UC Santa Barbara: Small changes can yield big savings in agricultural water use, 3/25/24