Russian River Weekly Update 3/25/24

Reservoir Storage & Operations:
Water supply information provided by Sonoma Water (find more water storage info here).
2024 Flows from Eel River to Russian River
In response to PG&E's flow variance filing (see below), the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued a notice of comment period on February 29, 2024. Deadline for filing comments, motions to intervene, and protests: April 1, 2024. For more information, review the document linked on the District’s website: RRFC Updates Page
Eel River to Russian River Trans Basin Diversion Updates
The Eel Russian Project Authority Board met last week. Updates were given on the PG&E/ERPA meetings, including PG&E’s recent clarification on decommission and how it relates to ERPA’s efforts to continue the diversion. An update was provided on grant funding efforts and an extensive presentation given on the two Eel River diversion designs, reviews, and the technical group’s recommendation for the pump back station over the roughen channel. The Board approved staff recommendation. The materials and recording will be posted on the ERPA website soon.

- Press Democrat: Officials move forward with plans for Eel River water diversions that keep Russian River flowing, 3/21/24
- Mendo Fever: Pump Station Diversion Chosen for Potter Valley Project, 3/21/24
- Or listen to the article on KZYX
DWR Releases a Resource Guide for Funding SGMA Implementation
The Department of Water Resources (DWR) today released its Resource Guide for Funding Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) Implementation. The purpose of this high-level funding resource guide is to provide Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (GSAs) with information that will support the selection and development of self-funding streams for funding Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) implementation. This funding primer outlines common funding mechanisms available to GSAs and provides a general approach that agencies can consider when developing a funding mechanism. Those earlier in the funding selection process may find this document most useful. The guide also provides a high-level overview of federal, state, and local funding opportunities to support SGMA implementation. For questions about this report, please email
California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA) Celebrates Women’s History Month
During Women's History Month, CNRA invites you to join the webinar, “Women as Agents of Change: Improving Access, Equity, and Inclusion in California.” Hear women leaders from CNRA and the Newsom Administration as they share their insights, experiences, and strategies for advancing access, equity, and inclusion across various sectors.
What: Secretary Speaker Series: Women as Agents of Change - Improving Access, Equity, and Inclusion in California
When: Tuesday, March 26 from noon to 1:00 PM
How: Register here to participate.
- Wade Crowfoot, Secretary, California Natural Resources Agency
- Leslie L Hartzell, PhD, Chief Cultural Resources Division, California State Parks Serena Ortega, CAL FIRE Deputy Director Equal Employment Opportunity Program
- Noemí Otilia Osuna Gallardo, California Energy Commission Commissioner
- Larissa Estes, DrPH Executive Director for the Racial Equity Commission
- Maria Ellis, Deputy Director for Broadband, California Public Utilities Commission
North Coast Resource Partnership Request for Proposals: Technical Assistance for Project Development
The North Coast Resource Partnership (NCRP) is pleased to offer a Request for Proposals for Technical Assistance to Tribes and economically disadvantaged communities to support project development for the NCRP CAL FIRE Forest Health Pilot Grant Program. EXTENDED DUE DATE: Proposals will be accepted & awarded on a rolling basis through MAY 1, 2024
Secretary Speaker Series - Seizing the Wet Years: Adapting Our Water Infrastructure & Management to Weather Whiplash – WATCH THE RECORDING!
Climate change is driving weather extremes across the world. In California, we can expect a growing portion of our water supply to come from big storms, like those we just experienced. Drought, too, will intensify. To adjust to this new normal of climate change, are we equipped to capture and store the runoff of big storms? Secretary-Speaker-Series webpage
NEW!! Water Shelf Podcast: Dr. Peter Gleick, The Three Ages of Water
On this inaugural episode of the Water Shelf Podcast, Justin Scott Coe interviews about his recently published and highly acclaimed book, The Three Ages of Water. Dr. Peter Gleick is renowned nationally and internationally for his more than four decades of water science and policy work, and is perhaps the world’s most widely known and cited water expert. Dr. Gleick is Senior Fellow, Co-Founder, and President Emeritus at the Pacific Institute which creates and advances solutions to the world’s most pressing water challenges. Water Shelf Podcast
In the press:
- E&E News: The Supreme Court slashed wetland protections. California is trying to fill the gap, 3/18/24
- Maven's Notebook, UC Merced: Water Risks to Agriculture: Too Little and Too Much, 3/19/24
- Mavens Notebook, Keeping water in climate-changed headwaters longer, 3/19/24
- Berkeley News: What artificial streams can teach us about insects, algae and our changing climate, 3/18/24
- ABC 10: California takes a big step forward to make better use of storing water underground, 3/18/24
- UC Merced: Water Risks to Agriculture: Too Little and Too Much, 3/18/24