Russian River Weekly Update, 3/11/24

Reservoir Storage & Operations:
Water supply information provided by Sonoma Water (find more water storage info here).

2024 Flows from Eel River to Russian River
In response to PG&E's flow variance filing (see below), the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued a notice of comment period on February 29, 2024. Deadline for filing comments, motions to intervene, and protests: April 1, 2024. For more information, review the document linked on the District’s website: RRFC Updates Page
Eel River to Russian River Trans Basin Diversion Updates
The Eel Russian Project Authority (ERPA) will meet in Ukiah (with a streaming option) on Tuesday, March 19, 2024 at 3 PM. Agenda expected soon.
Lake County Record-Bee: Potter Valley Project decommissioning takes next step, 3/4/24
HOW TO ENGAGE During Groundwater Awareness Week 2024
Department of Water Resources
Join DWR during Groundwater Awareness Week, March 10-16, to celebrate the upcoming 10th Anniversary of SGMA and the progress made with local partnerships and innovative projects to put more water into the ground. More information.
Monday, 3/11: California Water Management and Progress Since the Signing of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act. (Recording will be available soon.)
Tuesday 3/12 10:00 am – 11:30 am: Outreach and Engagement Training for Groundwater Sustainability Agencies. Registration Link
Wednesday 3/13 10:00 am – 11:30 am: Outreach and Engagement Training for Groundwater Sustainability Agencies. Registration Link
Thursday 3/14 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm: Groundwater Sustainability Plan Reporting Process and Requirements Registration Link
Friday 3/15 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm: Planning for the Future; Data, Tools, and Models. Registration Link
Be sure to subscribe to the email list for important announcements and to receive monthly e-newsletters and check out the following social media accounts:
- Twitter: @CA_DWR
- Facebook:
- Instagram: @cadepartmentofwaterresources
- LinkedIn: @CaliforniaDepartmentofWaterResources
Groundwater Accounting Platform webinar set for March 18
A lesson on using the Groundwater Accounting Platform will be provided during a webinar on Monday, March 18. The platform contains information and data that enables California water managers, landowners, and water users to track water availability in real time. There will be details on how the platform can help with tracking water usage, managing water budgets, and simulating groundwater scenarios.
Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) turns 10 years old in 2024.
Watch the State Assembly Joint Hearing of the Budget Subcommittee No. 4 on Climate Crisis, Resources, Energy and Transportation and Water, Parks, and Wildlife Committee: video link and read the handout on SGMA overview by the Legislative Analyst's office.
Well Permitting Report – Observations and Analysis of the Governor’s Executive Order
The Department of Water Resources (DWR) released its Groundwater Well Permitting: Observations and Analysis of Executive Orders N-7-22 and N-3-23 report.. The report summarizes different approaches taken by well permitting agencies and groundwater sustainability agencies to comply with the requirements of the Executive Orders, which included new well permitting requirements for local agencies to prepare for and lessen the effects of several years of intense drought conditions.
Groundwater Related Articles:
- DWR: Understanding the Underground: DWR Completes First Phase of Innovative Groundwater Mapping Program, 3/6/24
- MIT: The Groundwater Crisis: The Need for New Data to Inform Public Policy, 3/4/24
- Wine Business Monthly: Are the New Groundwater Management Plans Being Watered Down by Weak Monitoring Methods? 3/1/24
- CBS News: Helicopters map California groundwater basins with electromagnetic technology, 3/7/24
- Newsweek: California's Plan to Store More Storm Water Against Future Drought, 3/11/24
Ukiah Valley Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency (GSA)
The GSA Fee Study Public Workshop that will take place on Wednesday March 13th from 6 - 7:30 pm at the Ukiah Veterans Memorial Building. See flyer and website (link) for more information.
UVBGSA March 13th Public Workshop flyer.pdf
In the press:
- Native Fish Society: StEELhead Discoveries Series - Part 8, March 2024
- Maven's Notebook: Knee Deep Times - The Good Flood, Restoring a Sonoma Creek, 3/5/24
- Ag Alert via Maven's Notebook: Better data key to informed water policy decisions, 3/6/24
- RWD: New Legislation Would Ease Burden of Water Conservation Mandates, 3/5/24
- Ag Alert: Growers scrap vineyards as market dims, 3/6/24
- CA Water Blog: Minimum Flow Laws in CA and Chile, 2/25/24
- CA Water Blog: A Functional Flows approach for Environmental Flows in Chile, 3/10/24
- Sacramento Bee, Opinion: A water conservation proposal could kill tree canopies. Regulations need a reboot, 3/11/24
- Sac Bee: Will California see spring showers this year? Here’s the season forecast so far, 3/7/24