Russian River Weekly Update 2/3/25

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Reservoir Storage & Operations:
Water supply information provided by Sonoma Water (find more water storage info here).

PG&E Issues Public Draft
PG&E’s Final Draft Surrender Application and Conceptual Decommissioning Plan (Surrender Application) and Application for Non-Project Use of Project Lands for the Potter Valley Hydroelectric Project (FERC Project No. 77) is available for your review and comment at the following website: http// . This document can be accessed from the Documents page using the following password: PV_Surrender
In late 2023, PG&E received a proposal from Sonoma County Water Agency, Mendocino County Inland Water and Power Commission, Humboldt County, Round Valley Indian Tribes, California Trout, Trout Unlimited, and California Department of Fish and Wildlife, collectively referred to as the “Two-Basin Partners”, related to the decommissioning of Cape Horn Dam and associated diversion facilities. PG&E and the Two-Basin Partners have since collaborated to identify a regulatory pathway that would allow for the construction of the New Eel-Russian Facility (NERF) during decommissioning of Cape Horn Dam to minimize construction impacts to the Eel and Russian River basins, while facilitating activities related to NERF.
This file contains two applications:
- PG&E’s Draft Application for Surrender of License, and
- A draft application requesting the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to authorize non-Project Use of Project lands to allow the Eel-Russian Project Authority (ERPA) (a joint powers authority formed by a joint exercise of powers agreement between the County of Sonoma, Sonoma Water, and the Mendocino County Inland Water and Power Commission) to modify existing Project works and construct the NERF on lands within the FERC Project boundary.
PG&E is soliciting comments from Tribes, regulatory agencies, and other interested parties on the Draft Application for Surrender of License and Application for Non-Project Use of Project Lands. The public comment period will close on March 3, 2025. Formal comments must be submitted in writing via email to or by mail to:
Tony Gigliotti
Senior Licensing Project Manager
Power Generation
P.O. Box 28209
Oakland, CA 94604
PG&E will address comments as appropriate before distribution of the Final Surrender Application in July 2025.
On Thursday, Feb. 6, 2025, from 10 to 11:30 a.m., PG&E will host an online meeting to share information on the final draft, discuss the regulatory process and note opportunities to participate. The meeting is meant for resource agencies, tribes, non-government organizations and the general public. A meeting invite will be sent out by Monday with the details.
Related Press:
- Mendo Fever: PG&E moves to dismantle Potter Valley Project predicting ‘adverse impacts’ to the Russian River, 2/3/25
- RedHeaded Blackbelt: Final Draft Surrender Application and Decommissioning Plan for the Potter Valley Project Available for Viewing, 2/2/25
PG&E Submittal to FERC - PVP License Amendment
"This filing presents PG&E’s response to FERC’s Request for Additional Information, issued October 4, 2023 (Volume I), and a non-capacity license amendment application (Volume II), which includes an Exhibit E and consultation record (Volume III). The contents of Volume I-III documents are classified as public." Document linked below.
2025, 1-30 PG&E to FERC, PVP Non-Capacity Lic Amendment.pdf
Mendocino County Drought Resiliency Plan Community Workshop
The Drought Resilience Plan (DRP) is in its final stages of development. This plan aims to enhance preparedness for future droughts. Workshop date: Friday, February 21, 2025 3-4:30 PM, zoom and in person (Fort Bragg.) Agenda and remote participation link will be available on
PPIC: A Conversation with California’s Legislative Leadership
2025 Speaker Series on California's Future — In-Person and Online
February 6, 2025 · 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
hat are the most pressing issues the legislature should address in this session? Legislative leaders—James Gallagher, California State Assembly Republican Leader, and Brian Jones, California State Senate Republican Leader—will talk about their priorities and why these issues are important to California’s future. More information about the event and registration.
In the press:
- CA Water Plan eNews, 1/29/25
- Maven's Notebook, 1-26 to1-31-25
- Maven's Notebook Weekend 2/2/25
- CA Water Blog: Jimmy Carter and Flood Plain Management, 1/29/25
- Maven's Notebook: Governor Newsom issues executive order to help California capture and store more water from upcoming severe storms; Conservation groups respond, 1/31/25
- Healdsburg Tribune: Healdsburg’s Endangered Water Source May Have a Future Yet, 1/29/25
- Press Democrat: Sonoma County climate conference showcases tribal and county efforts to address water and wildfire issues,1/29/25