Russian River Weekly Update 12/9/24
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Reservoir Storage & Operations:
Water supply information provided by Sonoma Water (find more water storage info here).

Ukiah Valley Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency Technical Advisory Committee Meeting: Wednesday December 11, 2024 from 9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
The TAC Meeting will be in person at the County of Mendocino County of Mendocino Conference Room A (adjacent to the County CEO’s office) at 501 Low Gap Road Room 1010, Ukiah, Ca 95482 with a zoom option. The meeting Agenda has been posted to the Ukiah Valley Basin GSA website:
Sustainable Conservation Webinar: Recharging California | Building Resilient Watersheds
This is the last webinar in the Fall 2024 Recharging California series! Join Tuesday, December 10th at 12:00 PM for an in-depth look at how the Sustainable Conservation team works to unite people around securing a sustainable, climate-resilient future for all Californians. Staff from across Sustainable Conservation’s programs will share why they are passionate about building a more resilient California and discuss how Sustainable Conservation is overcoming climate threats through collaborative, science-driven, and community-centered strategies that protect our natural resources. Tune in on December 10 to learn how Sustainable Conservation’s integrated, whole watershed approach is paving the way for a resilient California.
Upcoming Diversion Measurement Qualified Individual Training Course in Davis, CA
The University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources (UCANR) Cooperative Extension service will offer a Water Measurement and Reporting course on January 30, 2025. The training will cover water diversion, monitoring, and reporting, as authorized by Assembly Bill 589. The training class is designed for parties who divert (or are authorized to divert) 100 acre-feet per year or more under the Water Measurement and Reporting Regulation (SB-88) and is open for anyone else who is interested. Diverters who complete this class are recognized as Qualified Individuals for measuring their diversions. The training class is in-person and will not be available online. More information and registration
North Coast Resource Partnership Quarterly Meeting

Generously Hosted and Sponsored by the Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria Registration.
Agenda details to be shared soon – keep tuned in here or join the NCRP mailing list on its webpage.
In the press:
- CA Water Plan eNews 12/4/24
- Maven's Notebook Dec 2-6, 2024
- This month’s Abacela weather-climate summary and forecast for December report is posted directly here,
- Press Democrat: November’s atmospheric river caused over $2.6 million in estimated damages across Sonoma County, 12/3/24
- Santa Monica Daily: California now has mandatory water conservation in urban areas, 12/2/24
- Bureau of Reclamation: Biden-Harris Administration announces Over $65 Million for 11 projects in Northern California to modernize water infrastructure and strengthen drought resilience, 12/3/24
- Bureau of Reclamation: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Nearly $850 Million to Revitalize Aging Water Infrastructure, Advance Drought Resilience , 12/3/24
- UC Riverside: Drought-friendly UCR turfgrass is now on the market, 11/25/24
- NOAA Climate Program Office: Key mechanisms behind extreme weather patterns, 11/27/24
- CA Water Blog: Not All Flood Maps are Created Equal, 12/8/24