Russian River Weekly Update 12/2/24
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Reservoir Storage & Operations:
Water supply information provided by Sonoma Water (find more water storage info here).

SB88 Update – New Rulemaking by State Water Resources Control Board
The SWRCB recently released draft proposed regulation text and held a public workshop to present information and solicit public input. These changes are being proposed to clarify the language of the regulation and align the information received in response to it with water rights data modernization efforts. The workshop was recorded and explains the proposed changes to the regulation. Water Right holders are encouraged to review the materials and consider submitting comments by the new extended deadline of December 2, 2024. Learn more at the Water Measurement and Reporting Regulation Rulemaking website
Post Decommissioning Water Supply for Potter Valley Community
“The future of water security in Potter Valley took center stage at a November 14 town hall, where experts and community leaders outlined plans to adapt to life without year-round Eel River diversions. With PG&E’s decommissioning of the Potter Valley Project looming, discussions focused on potential groundwater storage, new infrastructure, and conservation measures—all aimed at ensuring local agriculture survives a drier summer reality.” Read more from the article:
Mendo Fever: Decommissioning Looms: Potter Valley faces urgent water challenges, 11/29/24
Upcoming Diversion Measurement Qualified Individual Training Course in Davis, CA
The University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources (UCANR) Cooperative Extension service will offer a Water Measurement and Reporting course on January 30, 2025. The training will cover water diversion, monitoring, and reporting, as authorized by Assembly Bill 589. The training class is designed for parties who divert (or are authorized to divert) 100 acre-feet per year or more under the Water Measurement and Reporting Regulation (SB-88) and is open for anyone else who is interested. Diverters who complete this class are recognized as Qualified Individuals for measuring their diversions. The training class is in-person and will not be available online. More information and registration

- Presentations and information sharing: North Coast Tribes, counties, legislators, agencies, NGOs, and other partners
- Interactive sessions for prioritizing climate action
- Resource fair tabling - share your initiatives with funders and colleagues
- Evening reception
- NCRP Quarterly Meeting on Thursday afternoon
Generously Hosted and Sponsored by the Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria Registration.
Agenda details to be shared soon – keep tuned in here or join the NCRP mailing list on its webpage.
PPIC Hosts a Conversation with Governor Jerry Brown -2024 Speaker Series on California’s Future: Thursday, December 12, 2024 • 12:00–1:00 p.m. PT
Event check-in and lunch begin at 11:30 a.m. at the Sheraton Grand Hotel, Sacramento
Please register in advance to attend in person or to watch the live stream. In-person registration is limited; lunch will be provided and there is no charge to attend. more information
California Natural Resources Agency Hosts Virtual Discussion on Cutting Green Tape - Restoring California's Environment Wednesday, December 4 from noon to 1 p.m.
“Protecting and restoring California’s natural places is essential to safeguard our biodiversity and protect our water and other natural resources amidst climate change. In the past, environmental restoration projects have been slowed by permitting requirements designed for very different kinds of development. However, in recent years, state leaders have championed improvements to reduce bureaucracy and delays to complete restoration under the banner of "Cutting Green Tape". Join this discussion to learn where we stand in this ambitious effort. Where have we made progress? What big challenges remain? What opportunities should we focus on now? Together, we’ll explore how to build on these efforts and chart an ambitious path forward.”
What: The Race to Restore Nature: Cutting the Green Tape for California’s Environment
When: Wednesday, December 4 from noon to 1 p.m. Register to join here.
Moderator: Wade Crowfoot, Secretary, California Natural Resources Agency
- Kellyx Nelson, Executive Director, San Mateo Resource Conservation District, CLSN Steering Committee
- Charlton "Chuck" Bonham, Director, California Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Phil Crader, Deputy Director of Division of Water Quality, State Water Resources Control Board
- Don Hankins, Co-Lead, Indigenous Stewardship Network
- April Zohn, Manager of Environmental Compliance, Ducks Unlimited
- Erika Lovejoy, Senior Program Director, Sustainable Conservation
Ukiah Valley Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency TAC Meeting
The upcoming GSA Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) meeting will be held on Wednesday December 11, 2024 from 9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.The TAC Meeting will be in person at the County of Mendocino County of Mendocino Conference Room A (adjacent to the County CEO’s office) at 501 Low Gap Road Room 1010, Ukiah, Ca 95482 with a zoom option. The meeting Agenda has been posted to the Ukiah Valley Basin GSA website:
In the press:
- Sustainable Groundwater Management News: November 2024 Newsletter (UPDATED)
- Maven's Notebook/CU Bounder: One in two El Niño events could be extreme by mid-century, 11/18/24
- UC San Diego: Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources Will Increase Price Tag to Decarbonize the Grid, 11/25/24
- CPR News: The Western Slope just asked for federal climate dollars to buy crucial water rights. Trump wants to roll back the funding, 11/22/24
- Inside Climate News via Maven's Notebook: California water experts prepare for climate whiplash, 11/29/24
- DWR via Maven's Notebook: GROUNDWATER RECHARGE: Be Flood Diversion and Recharge Ready: Flood Diversions for Recharge under Water Code §1242.1, 11/28/24
- Spectrum 1 news: A look at what Proposition 4 passing means for Californians, 11/26/24