Russian River Weekly Update 11/18/24
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Reservoir Storage & Operations:
Water supply information provided by Sonoma Water (find more water storage info here).
Russian River Hydrologic Status Report for 11/18/24

Atmospheric River Activity: Flood Watch This Week

On Monday at 4:21 a.m. the NWS Eureka CA issued a flood watch valid from Wednesday 4 a.m. until Friday 4 a.m. The watch is for Mendocino Coast, Northwestern Mendocino Interior, Northeastern Mendocino Interior, Southwestern Mendocino Interior and Southeastern Mendocino Interior.
Read more:
- Sacramento Bee: Flood watch affecting Northern California from Wednesday to Friday, according to the NWS, 11/19/24
- ABC 7 TIMELINE: Atmospheric river to hit Bay Area this week, bringing heavy rain and flood risks to parts, 11/18/24
- SF Gate: 'Impressive' atmospheric river, first of the season, takes aim at California, 11/17/24
- More articles via CA Water Education Foundation
Upcoming Diversion Measurement Qualified Individual Training Course in Davis, CA
The University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources (UCANR) Cooperative Extension service will offer a Water Measurement and Reporting course on January 30, 2025. The training will cover water diversion, monitoring, and reporting, as authorized by Assembly Bill 589. The training class is designed for parties who divert (or are authorized to divert) 100 acre-feet per year or more under the Water Measurement and Reporting Regulation (SB-88) and is open for anyone else who is interested. Diverters who complete this class are recognized as Qualified Individuals for measuring their diversions. The training class is in-person and will not be available online. More information and registration
PG&E Regional Townhall - North Coast Region 11/19/24 5:30 PM
(Humboldt, Lake, Marin, Mendocino, Napa, Siskiyou, Sonoma, Trinity)
PG&E hosts webinars and events throughout the year. Leaders share information on Community Wildfire Safety Program and local projects. Attendees can ask questions and share feedback.
PG&E website with meeting information
SGMA 10 Year Anniversary Event, Recording and Materials

Podcast: RIPPLE EFFECT: Excellent discussion on conjunctive management
TJ Budge of Racine & Olson joins us to give a fantastic update on the 2015 Idaho Groundwater Pumpers Association (IGWA) Settlement Agreement. The 2015 Settlement Agreement adopted an innovative conjunctive management program of balancing senior surface water rights and junior groundwater use with conservation measures, aquifer recovery and recharge, and collaborative modeling efforts. The provisions of the 2015 Settlement Agreement were tested in the drought years of 2021 and 2022, resulting in tensions amongst users and new litigation. The Parties have now revised and entered a new Settlement Agreement keeping key elements of the 2015 Settlement Agreement and revising more problematic provisions. Great discussion about “living law.” Spodify link to podcast
In the press:
- MendoFever: A Band of Pomo takes on the task of restoring Ukiah Valley creek, 11/9/24
- Mendo Fever: Grant-backed water reforms bring Redwood Valley closer to reliable suppl, 11/13/24
- City of Ukiah Press Release: CITY OF UKIAH ANNEXES OVER 750 ACRES IN THE WESTERN HILLS, Annexation Will Support Housing Development and Preserve Open Space, 11/14/24
- Mendocino Voice: Ukiah Water Valley Authority absorbs four water districts, expanding service area, 11/5/24
- PPIC: Priorities for California’s Water - Are We Ready for Climate Change? Nov 2024
- CA Water Blog: October is Over – What it means for this water year and some other musings, 11/10/24
- CA Agriculture: For California perennial crops facing climate change, water use stays stable while planting density increases, November 2024
- PPIC: An Unexpected Ally in Adapting to Climate Change: Sediment, 11/14/24
- Sustainable Conservation: Thrive CA newsletter
- The Hill: Ex-leader of Bureau of Reclamation calls for Trump administration to eliminate it, 11/14/24
- UC Davis: Extreme Weather Accelerates Nitrate Pollution in Groundwater, 11/13/24
- Maven's Notebook Feature: Empowering CA’s water future: The collaborative efforts of the California Water Data Consortium, 11/18/24
- AgNet West: Sustainable Vineyards Expand in California, 11/18/24
- Maven's Notebook, CU BOULDER: One in two El Niño events could be extreme by mid-century, 11/18/24