Russian River Weekly Update 10/7/24
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Reservoir Storage & Operations:
Water supply information provided by Sonoma Water (find more water storage info here).

Potter Valley Project 2024 Flow Variance Ended
Lake Pillsbury is above the 36,000 acre feet storage threshold following October 1st, therefore the 2024 Potter Valley Project flow variance has ended (per the exit clause in the variance). Flows to the East Branch Russian River will increase from 25 cfs to 35 cfs.
PG&E’s Request for a Long Term Flow Regime During Decommissioning of Potter Valley Project
In July 2023, PG&E requested a long-term flow regime for the Potter Valley project from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC.) In October 2023, FERC responded to PG&E’s request with a determination that it constitutes an amendment to the project license. In September 2024, the State Water Resources Control Board issued a letter to update FERC on the water quality certification process for PG&E’s proposed license amendment application, strongly urging that PG&E promptly begin the certification application process necessary. Read more plus links to letters.
State Water Resources Control Board Russian River Watershed Telemetry Pilot Update
The Telemetry Research Unit has established a new website where information on the Russian River pilot can be found: More information on how the CA Water Data Consortium’s involvement can be found here on the website.
The Road to Sustainability: SGMA 10-Year Anniversary Event - November 18, 2024
Join the Department of Water Resources (DWR) on November 18th as we commemorate the 10-Year Anniversary of the historic passing of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA). Hear from local groundwater sustainability agencies, community organizations, state leaders, and others in the SGMA community as they reflect on the progress made over the first 10 years of SGMA, highlight challenges and lessons learned, and look ahead to the next 10 years of advancing sustainable groundwater management. This all-day event will be held in person at the California Natural Resources Agency in Sacramento and online via Zoom. When: November 18, 2024 8-5 PM More information here.
DWR Releases Second and Third Papers on Depletions of Interconnected Surface Water
On September 20, 2024, the Department of Water Resources (DWR) released the second and third in a series of three draft papers that discuss the technical aspects of interconnected surface water (ISW) and quantification of depletion of ISW caused by groundwater pumping. DWR previously released the first paper in the series in February 2024. Included with this release is a letter from Deputy Director Paul Gosselin highlighting a few key concepts related to the papers. Together, these three papers aim to help Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (GSAs) address the depletion of ISW in their Groundwater Sustainability Plans (GSPs).
The release of Papers 2 and 3 opens a forty-five (45)-day public comment period. Comments can be submitted for each of the three papers (Paper 1, Paper 2, and/or Paper 3) by emailing the email address below. The comment period will close on November 4, 2024.
The first paper (Paper 1), Depletions of Interconnected Surface Water: An Introduction, introduced concepts associated with ISW, including approaches for identifying ISW and defining depletion of ISW from groundwater pumping. The second paper (Paper 2), Techniques for Estimating Interconnected Surface Water Depletion Caused by Groundwater Use, continues the foundational concepts presented in Paper 1 by discussing the data requirements, methods, and general implementation process to consider for ISW depletion analyses. The final paper (Paper 3), Examples for Estimating Interconnected Surface Water Depletion Caused by Groundwater Use, continues and expands upon the topics presented in Paper 2 by providing detailed examples of using numerical models to evaluate depletion of ISW. Together, these three papers provide the foundation for DWR’s upcoming ISW guidance document on management of depletion of ISW, anticipated for release as a draft in winter 2024/25.
In mid-October, DWR will release a pre-recorded webinar that summarizes the contents of the three papers and describes the next steps in the development of the guidance document. DWR will also solicit feedback from the public on topics to address in the guidance document. Notification of the release of the recorded webinar will be provided via GovDelivery.
The cover letter, three-paper series, and subsequent ISW guidance document will be posted on DWR’s Best Management Practices and Guidance Documents webpage under the heading Guidance Documents. The webpage will continue to be updated with the latest information on DWR’s progress on ISW guidance. Direct links to download each of the papers is as follows:
- Paper 1, Depletions of Interconnected Surface Water: An Introduction
- Paper 2, Techniques for Estimating Interconnected Surface Water Depletion Caused by Groundwater Use
- Paper 3, Examples for Estimating Interconnected Surface Water Depletion Caused By Groundwater Use
- Cover Letter, Interconnected Surface Water Papers Cover Letter
For questions, or comments pertaining to the three papers, please email
California Water Data Consortium Town Hall

Are you curious about how Consortium work connects to the future of water in California? Join them for a virtual Public Town Hall, where you’ll have the unique opportunity to engage with new CEO, Robyn Grimm, Ph.D., and expert staff to hear the latest updates on water data initiatives. This virtual event takes place on Wednesday, October 23, from 9-10 a.m. on Zoom. Register today!
CA Water Data Consortium Fall 2024 Newsletter
Water Education Foundation Water Summit: October 30, 2024
The 40th annual water summit, an engaging day of discussions addressing critical water issues in California and across the West, will open with a keynote address from Karla Nemeth, director of California’s Department of Water Resources. The Foundation’s premier event of the year will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 30, in Sacramento and will focus on the theme, Reflecting on Silver Linings in Western Water. Speakers and conversations will highlight the promising advances that have developed from myriad challenges in managing the West’s most precious natural resource. Nemeth is focused on preparing California to adapt to more extreme weather under climate change by improving aging and green infrastructure, management of groundwater supplies and local water resilience.
The Water Summit is also a fantastic networking opportunity and an ideal event for water district managers and board members, state and federal agency officials, city and county government leaders, farmers, environmentalists, attorneys, consultants, engineers, business executives and public interest groups.
Registration information for CA Water Education Foundation 2024 Summit
WATCH THIS SPACE for updates on Proposition 4, a $10 billion climate bond coming soon to a ballot near you
This fall, voters will decide whether California should authorize a $10 billion bond to help the state respond to climate change by funding a variety of environmental initiatives, including water projects, wildfire risk reduction, coastal resilience, sustainable agriculture, and parks.
- East Bay Times: PRO/CON: Is California’s Prop. 4 climate bond a smart move or just too expensive?, 10/4/24
- LA Times: Your democracy assignment is nearly due. Study up on the election with our voter guides, 10/4/24
- Modesto Bee: State floats $10B Proposition 4 for water, wildfire protection. What Turlock students think, 10/3/24
In the press:
- CA Water Plan eNews 10/2/24
- Maven's Notebook Sept 29 - Oct 4, 2024
- This month’s Abacela Weather report is here,
- PPIC: Is California Getting Drier, 10/1/24
- CA Water Views: New California Legislation on Water Issues – Updated with Signings and Vetoes, 10/1/24
- Maven's Notebook: GOVERNOR NEWSOM: California makes major strides for water supplies and climate resilience over the past year, 10/3/24
- Fresno State: California Water Institute partners with Sustainable Conservation to study on-farm recharge, 10/3/24
- Bureau of Reclamation announces $9.2 million for Tribal water projects and emergency drought relief supported by the Investing in America agenda 10/1/24
- Sacramento Bee: Beaver restoration program brings furry species back to habitats, tribal land across California, 10/4/24
- National Park Service: How the NPS is protecting groundwater for people and ecosystems County of Sonoma: State grant renews invasive quagga mussel prevention program at Lake Mendocino, 9/30/24
- USBR: Start of 2025 water year is a reminder of the need for caution and preparedness, 10/2/24