Russian River Weekly Update 10/28/24
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Reservoir Storage & Operations:
Water supply information provided by Sonoma Water (find more water storage info here).

Save the date to attend SGMA's 10th anniversary celebration

Save the date for DWR's celebration marking the 10th anniversary of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA). It will be Monday, Nov. 18, in Sacramento. The event will feature local groundwater sustainability agencies, community organizations, and State leaders, discussing the past, present, and future of SGMA. The landmark legislation was signed by Governor Jerry Brown to help provide long-term protection for California's groundwater resources. SGMA requires local agencies to form groundwater sustainability agencies for high- and medium-priority basins, and to develop groundwater sustainability plans that will mitigate overdraft within 20 years.
Webinar video offers interconnected surface water help
DWR has released a webinar video to help groundwater sustainability agencies address the depletion of interconnected surface water (ISW) in their groundwater sustainability plans. The webinar summarizes three draft ISW papers, Depletions of Interconnected Surface Water: An Introduction, Techniques for Estimating Interconnected Surface Water Depletion Caused by Groundwater Use, and Examples for Estimating Interconnected Surface Water Depletion Caused by Groundwater Use. The webinar also describes the next steps in the development of a guidance document.
WATCH THIS SPACE for updates on Proposition 4, a $10 billion climate bond coming soon to a ballot near you
This fall, voters will decide whether California should authorize a $10 billion bond to help the state respond to climate change by funding a variety of environmental initiatives, including water projects, wildfire risk reduction, coastal resilience, sustainable agriculture, and parks.
Water Related Podcast
THE ECONEWS REPORT: How Will Groundwater be Regulated After This Significant Court Ruling?
In late August, Russian Riverkeeper and the California Coastkeeper Alliance got what looks like a very significant ruling in their challenge to Sonoma County’s well permitting ordinance. The groups say that by allowing excessive and unmonitored groundwater extraction, the County is failing to protect surface flows in creeks and rivers that fish, wildlife, and recreation need. The court agreed, holding that under the Public Trust doctrine, Sonoma County has “an affirmative duty to take the public trust into account in the planning and allocation of water resources, and to protect public trust uses whenever feasible,” but that the County failed to do so, overlooking impacts on the public trust, including cumulative effects. In this episode of the EcoNews Report, Friends of the Eel River Conservation Director Scott Greacen and EPIC Executive Director Tom Wheeler talk to three people deeply involved in these questions.
Listen to EcoNews Report episode here
The Atmospheric Rivers of Water Year 2024: End of Water Year Summary

- Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes | Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego - 2024 Summary
- Weather West: Relatively dry and warm autumn pattern likely to continue into early November, 10/24/24
- SF Gate: La Niña is looming. Here's what experts say California's winter could bring., 10/21/24
In the press:
- Sonoma Valley Sun: Sonoma Water to update climate change models for Russian River watershed, 10/24/24
- Sonoma Water Press Release: Sonoma Water to update climate change models for Russian River watershed, 10/22/24
- PPIC: Is California Experiencing a Water Affordability Crisis?, 10/22/24
- TCD: California increases fines for violations against excessive water usage: 'It's an important step', 10/23/24
- NOAA/NIDIS: New Study Finds Drought Recovery Hindered by a Changing Climate, 10/23/24
- National Law Review: California Increases Fines for Unauthorized Water Diversions and Uses, 10/23/24
- GJ Sentinel: CSU researchers studying hay crops that use less water, respond better to drought, 10/27/2