Huffman Delivers $2 million grant for Fish Friendly Diversion from Eel to Russian River
UPDATED June 7, 2024:
US Bureau of Reclamation Commissioner Camile Touton joined Congressmember Jared Huffman and David Rabbitt, Chair of the Eel-Russian Project Authority for a site visit on Friday, June 7, 2024 to Scott Dam, Cape Horn Dam, and Coyote Valley Dam at Lake Mendocino. They announced the $2 million Infrastructure Investment grant to Sonoma Water which will support the design of a new transfer pump station to meet the goals of the two-basin solution.

- MendoFever: Federal Funds Propel Eel River Water Diversion Forward, 6/9/24
- Times-Standard: Federal officials give update on Two-Basin Solution during visit to Ukiah, 6/8/24
- (same article in Ukiah Daily Journal and Willits News)
Updated December 19, 2023
The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation announced on December 19, 2023 a $2 million grant to Sonoma County Water Agency (Sonoma Water) meant to study a diversion from the Eel River to the Russian River that will have the least possible impact on salmon and steelhead.
Press Release also ran in the following: